I have been testing different kind of streaming broadcasters during these winter months. Several hares and deer have visited the yard this winter and I was wondering could I create a some kind of motion detecting live animal and nature camera web-interface. It would be nice to have also live streaming from yard and see what is happening, through internet access, remotely.
First experiment was with night vision camera. Softwares to test was K-motion and Motioneye.

K – motion can be installed also to other PC, to record RTSP-streams from multiple Raspberry Pi cameras streaming to the local network. https://kevinsaye.wordpress.com/2018/10/17/making-a-rtsp-server-out-of-a-raspberry-pi-in-15-minutes-or-less/
But the stability of the program was not so good, in my pc. Motion detection was not so accurate. RTSP-streaming worked quite well, and streaming livestream to local network was working good. Motioney motion detection was working better, but problem was that when it was snowing, there was quite much false detection by the snow flakes.

Best software so far which I found and tested to be working good was the RPI Cam Control. https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface. It can record video files, when it detects movement. And also Livestreaming to the network is possible. It shows nicely, how mutch space is available at the RPi SD-card to store the Videos. It is also easy to download and delete the files through the web interface.

It is also possible to make scheduling, and set the motion detecting to work only on certain days, and periods of time.